Sunday, January 31, 2016

Considering Genre

Deciding my genre for Project 1 was the easiest thing to decide on this whole time. I really struggled to find a story, so I figured I'd be well-off to do what I know for sure now, then work at polishing the rest later.

  1.  The Quick Reference guide will be my best friend this week. I think this genre is useful for the Controversy Postmortem, because I can easily make clear what's important and organize it by idea, rather than be forced to stick to some rigid flow of ideas that would be necessary in other genres. I think it's also useful for communicating a large amount of information in a clear fashion. I don't think it works as well for projects 2 and 3, because those require so much detail and original content generation (whereas in this project, all information used for content is already out there). I'd rather be in a genre for those in which I'm able to really communicate my original work with ease.
  2. The major genre conventions I plan to hone in on include breaking ideas into sections and incorporating images. As is the case with everyone, I'm so used to the basic essay in which the convention is to create transitions and allow your ideas to flow one after another. In the QRG, it seems that it's appropriate to separate ideas logically and it isn't as necessary to make them flow together. I feel like the cluster I will prepare is going to be so beneficial, as I will be able to organize my ideas and sort of adapt that organization to the QRG. Furthermore, pictures feel very welcome, and I'm anticipating enjoying that since they can be used as another vehicle with which to communicate ideas or illustrate major points.
  3. I'm feeling pretty good about the project - and that's saying something, since it took me so long to decide on a story. But I feel like I understand what is expected of me, and I have a very solid vision of what needs to happen. I also feel pretty good that we have these deadlines to keep everything timely. It prevents procrastination and keeps me on track with what I should be thinking about content-wise. I'm ready to kick its butt!
cre8tivehome0, "Fist Bump Boy Fist Outside Gesture Independence" 1/25/2012 via Pixabay. Public Domain.

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