Sunday, January 31, 2016

Reddit and What I Found There

I'm even less familiar with Reddit than I am with Twitter, and I essentially didn't get much out of my looking here. To me, it seemed like a bunch of young and uneducated individuals trying to get help or figure out science. But I believe that for many people, it could have been a good resource. I think it was definitely worth a shot!
Blue, Eva. "reddit sticker - 3" 12/22/2012 via Flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic License.

  1. As mentioned above, there isn't too much arguing going on. There are multiple high schoolers or college students who need help with understanding material, and a few people chiming in opinions with not too many comments at all. But I've seen content from a specific brain area to "is the earth round or flat" so honestly it seems that content is spread out fairly well. I'm not sure how to give a specific explanation for something so inherently broad and not so abundant (unless I'm not navigating Reddit properly. Which is very possible, but I wasn't successful earlier in the week when I tried this, either.)
  2. Debates/Discussions (Due to the limited number of posts I was able to find, it was again hard to find something on debates. But I sincerely tried!)
    • Here was an interesting discussion thread about a reader's opinion about B.o.B.'s comments on the earth being flat. This interests me because I had never even heard of this before. I knew there were people who have that belief, but I didn't know that such a public figure was trying to get us all to believe it, too. Like in my Twitter explorations, I found comments about Creationism and evolution, which I do take great interest in, so I was glad to see what at least one Redditor (I think I've heard that term before) had to say.
    • Okay, I think I just figured out Reddit a little better, because this is much more specific and controversial. A Biology teacher in Georgia doesn't believe in evolution and doesn't believe personally that humans are animals. It seems like most people are on the side of the poster, which is that the teacher has done something terribly shameful in the scientific community. I think this is so interesting because I've never heard of something like this and I haven't already formed an opinion for that reason, so it's neat to look at something from the outside.
  3. My impression of Reddit was much worse than my impression of Twitter. Reddit is so much more forum-style, so there were lots of unqualified people talking about things without sources or any evidence. This bothered me a little, and I didn't find too many interesting things here, but that's just a personal taste thing. I didn't expect to see so many posts of people just asking for help on homework and things. It definitely wasn't what I was interested in seeing.

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