Sunday, May 1, 2016

Peer Review for Eren Arbac

I reviewed Eren Arbac's content outline that I think can be found here. I left him a pretty specific outlining recommendation concerning his first body section.

In the outline, he seemed a little repetitive and restated the idea he had instead of explaining it, and I wanted to make sure he would be really specific and clear and provide a good explanation in the actual project. I think my recommendation definitely helps him because while it's easier to get detailed and dig into the specifics when talking about yourself, I still think having a clear idea from get-go will help. And as it stands I can't find that from his outline.

According to the Course Final Assignment Sheet, it seems we are encouraged to get specific about whatever components of our writing process we want to, but it seems that we have to focus on something and really explain it. I think my recommendation will help with him final product in achieving this goal.

I was a fan of the way he wanted to focus on how his writing improved and gear his evidence in order to support that, rather than just talk about what happened this semester on the surface. The fact that he wants to talk about how he grew as a writer more than just what his process is, that was inspiring and I'm definitely going to try to think of some way to put a spin on my project that makes the topic more important like Eren did.

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