Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Schedule for the Course Final

I made a schedule that is meant to keep me on track with this project. It's not incredibly detailed but that's because I'm doing all of my filming tomorrow so I didn't break it down to the hours and minutes when it will be done because I don't even know what I'm eating for breakfast or wearing tomorrow so how could I possibly be that prepared. I'm not about that life. But I did try to design this in a way that will be useful for me, so if you wanna check it out you'll click here.


  1. Hello!
    This last project should be a breeze no? I think that I have two resources recommendations. My first is, if you don't already have one, check out a Macbook to do your video editing. iMovie works miracles!

    My second resource recommendation would be to use the U of A's campus to give your video essay a bit more diversity. There are many great filming locations that you can go to.

    Good luck with the video essay!

  2. Um, okay hi no. Fangirling over the organization of this production schedule. Why did I not think to do it in excel? Tables are my jam. Brb need to fix myself. Okay let's talk about your schedule! So yeah, obvi Im here to review it, and I chose to look at the Resource Recommendation, mainly because that's the part of the peer review that relates to the schedule. Also, my last project was the video essay, so I hope Ill be able to provide some good insight into what you may be encountering! So, as far as this peer review section is outlined, and to just give you some feedback of my experiences, I actually had a pretty good experience with iMovie, and I even used my own microphone and it turned out pretty well! I have heard that some people use their own microphones on their headphones to make videos, and while I haven't personally tried it, that could be an option if you're looking for an easily accessible microphone! If you're using a mac, I recommend even using the photobooth app for filming; its easy to use, transfers to iMovie are a breeze, and it gives you a nice countdown when you're about to start! Definitely have your project uploaded in a couple places (your desktop, youtube, vimeo) so that you can get recover anything easily if you need to if god forbid something goes wrong! and I would say definitely use the tip Sean gave us about just posting a link to your uploaded video on, say, youtube so you dont have to wait for it to upload to d2l. Okay, thats all from me! Good luck on your project; looks good so far!
