Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Reflection on Project 2 Pre-Production (Deadline 7)

This week's process work was definitely much more helpful than harmful to the construction of my project. I'm a little worried about keeping up (now that I've finally caught up holy shit that was rough) but at the very least I know where I stand now.

  1. I think the biggest success was completing my content outline. Being forced to do this made it easier to figure out how to efficiently and logically structure my project. I was nervous because these things weren't readily occurring as epiphanies to me. But now that I sat down and budgeted everything out, I'm going into production a bit more confidently.
  2. My biggest struggle this week was things essentially out of my control. The biggest one was catching up (both in this class and in others) from getting behind. I hate being so behind, which causes me to dread the catching up, which causes me to fall further behind. It's a vicious cycle. So pretty much I didn't touch this deadline until today. That's why I'm barely posting this in time. I hate when I do this crap. But it's better now.
  3. If next week is anything like this week then shit I give up now. But what I'm going for is to improve my tactics based on this week's difficulty and avoid falling back into this cycle. With both the outline and the schedule in my favor, I should be able to get my shit together and have a successful production week.
  4. I'm feeling pretty neutral about the project. Well, I'm probably a bit more on the positive side. I'll feel better once I successfully generate some audio and really start pulling it together. But while it's looming over me like it is, it's hard to be incredibly gung-ho about it.

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