Sunday, March 13, 2016

Reflection on Project 2 Production

Oh, boy. The universe is testing me now. My computer has crashed about twenty times today. I have a really shitty computer with like 20gb of space, and of course because that's such an unreasonable amount I have been operating with low disk space for months. So it's been a little rough trying to carry out production with a crappy computer. I also have much more, definitely, to add to my draft. But it's a work in progress and despite having gotten behind, I still feel pretty good about the project for the most part.
  1. Things that went right - I figured out what to say and how to say it! At first I was worried I wouldn't be able to explain myself very eloquently, but it seems like I'm having a good amount of luck with that. This can be seen in the way I speak  in my first two pieces of content (links in previous two blog posts) I feel that I'm definitely getting the hang of the project and I'm achieving the purpose, and it feels good.
  2. Well the shitty computer business sort of put a damper on things. Other than that, I also had some struggles with figuring out Audacity and working in the unfamiliar genre. Evidence includes all of the recorded outtakes that you never get to hear of me stumbling over words, or forgetting to hit record, or hitting record but for some reason the mic still doesn't pick you up, or it acts like it picks you up because it shows your sound waves but you can't hear a thing, and so on.
  3. I think next week could only be better. While I'll still be adding to my draft as well as editing, the bulk of the stress will be over. And, peer review is the absolute best! It's some of my favorite work to do because both parties get something substantial out of it. My shitty computer should be able to handle a little peer review, too.
  4. Overall, I'm feeling a little worried at this point. Not being able to post a full draft tonight has me feeling a little bit stressed. But it's out of my control. I tried so hard to catch up, but I didn't want to make some half-assed draft that wouldn't have included much usable content, so I still took it slowly in creating something good, and it's just not ready. I'll post tomorrow, though, and it will be something.

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