Sunday, March 27, 2016

Reflection on Post-Production

Post-production has definitely been the most successful stage of this project. I revamped my content, figured out the podcast genre and gained some comfort working there, and (hopefully) created a successful project. At least, I feel good about it and I'm actually more proud than nervous, which is definitely the reverse of how I felt after Project 1. So yay for that!

  1. Oh, man, I feel like just about everything went right concerning my own project! Even though I actually sort of maybe deleted the entirety of my project on Tuesday and reconstructed everything, I think the content that I produced under pressure and once I was truly comfortable recording audio was worlds better than the original content. Everything done in class only further helped me understand what to do and led to a more successful editing process. I mean, just listen to my editorial reports, and I think you'll see what I mean. I also think the inclusion of quotes and audio really helped me to hammer in the form. It's not perfectly professional, but I think it's a really good podcast.
  2. What actually kinda pissed me off was the way peer review happened this week. I know we all agreed on the deadline being structured this way, but it led to peer review happening at a very late stage in the drafting process. For example, I didn't get any peer review back on my project until today at 3pm, after I had already turned in my draft. I tried to get my peer review done yesterday so there would be at least some hope of my review going to good use, but I ended up feeling nervous and going back to my own project after only doing one of the two peer reviews. Having the peer review deadline equal to the project deadline leads to distraction from our own projects during crunch time for editing and tweaking, and causes peer review to be submitted only after projects are turned in or close to it, which may not be soon enough. That's just my two cents, though.
  3. I think it's hard to answer this question, since next week is the start of a completely new project. But I mean, now that I'm feeling confident in this project, maybe I'll be a little more encouraged to get a good start on this next one! I'm also now anticipating feeing the struggle of an unfamiliar genre, so I can factor that in to my work for next week and hopefully do some research to begin familiarizing myself in the genre earlier on to prevent some of that struggle and get good content from the beginning and I'm sorry this was such a run-on sentence but Mr. Bottai said he doesn't care about grammar in these and I don't know I kinda ran with it. Sorry.
  4. Like I mentioned, I'm feeling very confident about the project. I'm worried about how harshly I'll be graded, because I don't think my project was so incredible that it couldn't possibly be wrecked by the rubric. But that's probably a nervous feeling I'll always get, no matter how stellar my project is. I really do think I produced a good project, better than my Project 1, and I will be anticipating finding out how I measured up!

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