Sunday, February 21, 2016

Brutually Honest Self-Assessment

One brutally honest reflection on Project 1, coming right up.

1. I'm really fucking nervous about the project I submitted. Honestly, I'm fairly proud of it, and I think it's a really good QRG that details the proceedings of the controversy I chose. I think I tell the story interestingly and provide a good amount of context. My major concerns come from the rubric. I feel that I covered everything I needed to cover, but I'm worried I wasn't explicit enough in explaining each element. I really hope Sean picks up what I was trying to put down. But generally, I'm fairly proud of my work. I'm just always nervous when it comes to major assignments.

2. Starting with the smallest weakness,  I feel like I should've figured out how to work in more images to adhere more closely and effectively to the QRG genre. Additionally, I'm worried I wasn't strong enough in explaining the rhetorical situation, or that I didn't explain things properly. It was also a challenge for me to revise, as I tend to make drafts that are fairly complete to begin with. So I'm not sure if I made as many revisions as would've benefitted me.

3. However, I know I have a lot of good going for me. I think my voice was effective, and that I successfully employed the QRG conventions. I retold the story in an engaging fashion, and presented the most important information as succinctly as possible. I think my word choice was superb, and that generally I achieved the purpose for Project 1.

4. Time was a little unusual for me this project. I barely managed to find a topic by the end of Pre-Production, and barely cranked out a draft I was proud of by the end of Production. I didn't do extreme amounts of revision during Post-Production, leaving the bulk of it to occur up until the last day of Release. However, the deadline system kept me from falling too extremely behind. I kept up for the most part, and feel that I'll only need to tweak mildly to have success during Project 2.

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