Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Peer Review 1

From reviewing Alexis's draft, I definitely gained a little insight on my own. I gained confidence that I am working well within the QRG genre. I think I could use a lot of adding to my draft, a lot of filling in some holes where Alexis's draft seemed much more complete by comparison.

2 Mistakes:
  • I don't think it's her fault due to the nature of her story, but the descriptive elements could use a little boost. This may truly not be possible for her, but it is for me so it's definitely a good reminder to not do this in my own project.
  • Maybe the title could be slightly more exciting/enticing to the reader? I'm thinking about revising mine to make it as clear as hers, but I do want to keep the intrigue that I think mine has.
2 Effective Choices
  • THE PICTURES/FIGURES OH MY GOODNESS. I know my draft is definitely lacking in the visual aid department, and I think Alexis chose the most useful images to include in her QRG. Not only do they enhance the look of the guide, but they help make the guide a little easier to understand.
  • The way she summed up what happened so concisely was absolutely wonderful and genre-consistent. If there's any way to tighten mine up to resemble hers, without losing information, I'd be a happy person.
Overall, I think this first round of peer review was an absolute success! Alexis has helped me so much in determining where I could improve, and I think our QRGs received some nice boosts, due to a little help from each other!

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