Sunday, February 21, 2016

Local Revision: Variety

A way to make writing stronger is through adding variety to sentences. It adds an interest factor to the writing, and prevents the work from becoming repetitive and boring.

1. I think my use of various sentence structures is fairly effective. I don't get too repetitive for the most part, because I learned early on to try to mix it up. If anything, I may get a little carried away with it and my sentences might get a little too complicated, verging on confusing. But I think my writing flows fairly well, and I don't suffer from the inability to mix it up.
2.When it comes to essays, my paragraph structure is fairly appropriate, and constructing paragraphs poses no insurmountable struggles. For the QRG, however, I feel like I transition a bit less fluidly. From what I can observe from genre examples, however, I don't believe this is a massive problem. I conclude an idea, and begin the next by instituting a new heading. This approach (hopefully) has the effect of transitioning to a new idea, as well as adhering to genre conventions.
3. I'm decently proud of my vocab. As far as I can tell, my word choice is descriptive in all the right places, and I do my best to employ exciting verbs and adjectives. Weaknesses may include too many instances of "he is" or things of the like, but hopefully those occasions are balanced out by the more interesting and delightfully diverse sentences.

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