Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Setting

On a lovely February’s night, two men got together to debate the origins of the universe within the grandiose building called the Creation Museum. The museum is incredibly large, thousands of square miles. The building was created with $27 million in donations from supporters of Answers in Genesis, a Christian ministry dedicated to promoting the teaching of young-Earth creationism. So as a result, the museum is intended to teach visitors about a literal interpretation of the Bible passages depicting the origin of life.

The exterior is quite lovely, with glass windows and a wide array of plant life. And the exhibits are distinct from any other museum; there are skeleton comparisons to prove that we couldn’t have evolved and even a place where you can dig through fossils and see for yourself what it’s like to be a scientist doing the job yourself. The museum likely frequents creationists and evolutionists alike, because the place has something there to draw to everyone. Evolutionists can be there to enrich their belief in Genesis, and scientists are there scrutinizing the exhibits and looking for evidence. The decorative halls, the dimly lit rooms, the theaters and presentation rooms, everything is high-end and swanky, a good setting for a public debate.

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