Sunday, February 7, 2016

Stakeholder #3

This third stakeholder is a very large group, and it's important to keep in mind that this group can likely be divided into smaller sub-groups whose opinions vary but still fit into the large, overarching group.
"Tkgd2007", "Human evolution" 7/14/2008 via Wikimedia Commons. Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.
A large amount portion of the scientific community belong to this community. Scientists and non-scientists alike classify themselves as evolutionists if they accept the evidence for the theory of evolution. Books like On the Origin of the Species encapsulate the beliefs of these scientists. The intricacy and detail of the fossil record, the dating evidence that comes from tree rings, layers of the earth, astronomical science and calculation, to evolutionists this evidence is undeniable. People can come into contact with evolutionists both through searches on the Internet and in many educational or academic settings. At any major university or research institution, there are bound to be evolutionists present. There are a good number of supporters of evolutionists or groups, such as the NCSE who want to keep evolution and climate change in classrooms. In truth, the evidence for evolution is all there, and evolutionists are the people who accept the evidence and do not deny it.

I'm struggling to find specific claims made by such a broad group, so I will return to this as soon as I can. I just generally know that claims made by an evolutionist almost always have evidence backing them, and they apply to the debate in that Nye uses much of that content to defend his position.

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