Saturday, April 23, 2016

Peer Review for Julia Davenport

Here we go with some more peer review! I've now taken a listen to Julia Davenport's "Homelessness" and given her a mostly a form recommendation as well as a little content note.

I advised that she not overlap her intro music with her dialogue, or to boost the volume on her voice track there, as it's hard to hear and understand her. I don't think it's a good thing to start a podcast with something unclear, as it could set the wrong tone and the audience's first impression may not be very good. It also makes it easier for a student to understand the topic of the podcast right away.

I also recommended that she add a conclusion that wraps up her argument and gathers all of her main ideas together. I'm sure she already intended to do this, but it'll really help leave her audience knowing exactly what her purpose in talking with us was.

I think these comments help because they'll develop her project into something really great in these last few days of project workshopping. It's the little things that can make the difference for a project, and I think these things are like the finishing touches that Julia needs to have a super duper incredible project.

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