Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review for Ben Macklin

Last but definitely not least, I reviewed Ben Macklin's video essay titled "Rethinking Addiction." I actually ended up providing a similar suggestion as the one I provided to Cynthia about video source use.

I advised that even though it's really good to have lots of video footage, it might not be incredible to have lots of long and drawn-out clips but to opt for shorter ones that still drive points in but don't do all the talking for you.

Again, I remember coming across something in Student's Guide that says to integrate quotes and sources and things precisely, and while his videos were interesting, they were a little long and they sort of took over the argument instead of acting like a true quote.

I think this review helps Ben because it's always important to use sources properly. They can provide a means of proving credibility, so misuse can really take a toll on a project's effectiveness and it pays to be careful with how profusely a source is quoted. That's mostly just from my own experience though.

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