Monday, April 11, 2016

Reflection on Project 3 Production

This has been by far my most successful production phase ever ever ever ad I'm super proud, guys. I got lots of draft done. I did the thing. I'm so proud of myself. It may not be the absolute most perfect or complete draft but hey. I wrote a draft and it's good and I'm happy.
  1. Successes were having gotten enough research done in the pre-production phases that I was able to form logical sentences that comprised a logical argument when I stopped writing. Sounds silly but my production week from Project 2 resulted in two minutes of really terrible podcast so now that I have around 3-4 pages of really pretty alright essay I'm feeling that.
  2. I think my biggest failure was not getting further in the draft, but this was in part due to the fact that I didn't know my first body point was going to take four paragraphs to explain or that I was about to enter a life crisis that took me away from drafting and left me here doing blog posts at 2 a.m. But life happens. Can't avoid it.
  3. Next week is probably gonna be super good since I'm very much on track and there isn't too much terrible blog work and I get to keep adding and editing my draft and that's all the blog work is besides peer review. So I should have no trouble - assuming life doesn't happen this time around - having a super killer week next week.
  4. I'm feeling really good. Even though I picked an unpopular and difficult to defend opinion, I think it's actually shaping up that I can tie in enough evidence to support this thing without sounding like a transphobe which I 100% am not. I'm also incredibly comfortable in this genre, this is what I know and what I've always been good at so by the end of it I think I'm gonna have a project in which I really take pride. And the being on track really feels good so I'm pretty stoked overall.

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