Sunday, April 24, 2016

Reflection on Post Production II And Also The Project In General

Project's in on time, blog work is just about done, and I'm chillin like a villain feeling pretty good but kinda self doubting due to peer review but trying to convince myself that it was all good and I shouldn't feel like I want to cry because I'm so stressed

  • Things that went right include: finishing a fairly decent 7-page paper about transgender bathroom bills through detailed editing and praying to gods in which I don't believe, catching up on the peer review that I was behind on, and I think truly managing to produce something I'm proud of.
  • The worst part about this round of work for me was peer review. Where I normally get reviews with a few suggestions, this time around I got reviews that really tore my paper apart. I actually got really discouraged because of it. I had a peer advise that I remove the solution I proposed because it seemed to come out of no where and didn't really make sense and that my argument would be stronger if I just critiqued the solution at hand, but then I had another review later tell me I should come up with my own solution to the problem and that would help me sound better. This was really obnoxious because a person can only change what they have at the advice of someone else so many times. When people's opinions conflict, what am I supposed to do? I also just had a lot of "you shouldn't say this" "I wouldn't say it this way" and things like that which is useful a week ago but only caused panic as I received that review today. A major overhaul of my paper was recommended with only hours to spare. I ended up not abiding by most of those suggestions due to time constraints and my own personal stubbornness and opinion that my argument was fine, but i'm reeeeeeeeally having some doubts now. But I guess it's too late to worry. I just think peer review that occurs in week 4 is useless since people don't do it until late in the week when it's too late for the author to apply the review. Sorry this was so long, I just have a lot of feelings.
  • New week, new project so this week's evidence doesn't really imply anything about next week. But I'm hoping for the best!
  • Like I said, I was feeling good until I got conflicting and negative peer review on the last day of the project. I know I picked a hard topic but I really do think I argued it well, despite my critical peer review. It's just hard to be confident when people are tearing you down. Whatever though. My project was awesome.

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