Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Peer Review for Katie Russell

I reviewed Katie Russell's project titled "Male Birth Control: Innovative Option or Experimental Hoax", and I performed a content recommendation based on the need I saw for a stronger argument.

I think this will help because considering the purpose of the audience is to present an argument, you're trying to convince the audience why they should believe you. And as an audience member to her project, I didn't walk away feeling convinced of anything. I felt informed and I had formed my own opinion, but I wasn't swayed to believe anything based on the project. Her stance wasn't clear to me and the purpose (to convince) wasn't achieved, and I think that's a critical error that needed to be pointed out. My criticisms should help her to better achieve that goal.

From what I remember, my recommendation corresponds with the Student's Guide content on constructing arguments - I'm not sure what this is exactly and I don't have the guide on me but I'd rather tie my criticism in with the Project 3 Guide anyways. We're supposed to make an argument that connects with a current controversy, and from my perspective Katie's argument just didn't do that.

I really loved a lot of things about her project: the interest factor, her humor and tone, her control over the genre, and her clarity and precision in explanation. That's more than one thing but her draft really impressed me in these aspects and motivated me to really kick it into high gear and make something that's just as good.

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