Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Reflection on Pre-Production

And so ends a week of being behind and stressing about everything under the sun while also trying to keep up with English because it just never ends and ultimately getting a bad grade on the chem test and not even keeping up with English and i'm not gonna lie it was a rough one. But let's make like a mirror and reflect, shall we? ;) oooh man. I'm good.
  1. Success included learning new things about the trans community and things they feel. (I'm an ally and my best friend is trans so I have a lot of heart behind it, so it means a lot to learn from the entire community) Successes also include narrowing in my topic and getting some semblance of an outline-ish thing together. Also picked the standard college essay genre and that feels good.
  2. Failure included time management, as usual, and only seeing 3 blog posts for the week instead of the 7 that actually existed and procrastinating for too long and ultimately really screwing myself over.
  3. I think next week will go well, I have enough sources and enough of a plan to assemble a decent draft, and I also have allocated time properly to hopefully not mess that up.
  4. I'm feeling pretty good. Writing an essay gives me confidence, and I found a topic of interest that I can put my heart behind, and there's a lot of information out there and a lot to say. I'll feel better once my draft is finished though.

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