Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Research Report

*Again takes in deep, preparatory breath similar to the one taken in Project 1's  Pre-Production to help push through this tedious (but useful) blog post*...

  1. Title: North Carolina's Controversial 'Anti-LGBT' Bill Explained
    • Author: Avianne Tan
    • Host: ABC News
    • Audience:
    • Purpose: The source is trying to explain what's going on with the bill. You can tell from the title, and it's also a very non-biased source.
    • Context: It's good for my project because it illustrates the importance of the topic at this very moment in time. It's developing as we speak and this source really places urgency on the issue. It also is a good example of how this source fits in politically as a hot-button issue that's a big deal to lawmakers.
  2. Conservative Rhetoric and Transgender Bathroom Battles
  3. Predictions of trans bathroom harassment unfounded
  4. A Rape Survivor Speaks Out About Transgender Bathrooms
  5. Let Transgender People Achieve their American Dream
  6. Trans Folks Respond to 'Bathroom Bills' with #WeJustNeedtoPee Selfies
  7. d
  8. d
  9. d
  10. d
  11. d

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rhiannon! I really liked your sources and the diversity of them. I'm a little confused as to what the d's on numbers 7-11 mean but I trust that it means something haha. Other than that I think your sources look great and reputable and I like the different forms you've incorporated. My only suggestion would be to elaborate on 7-11. Other than that, awesome start! I think you've got a great foundation here.
