Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review for Cynthia Morton

Today, folks, I reviewed Cynthia Morton's project titled "What Really Causes the Gender Pay Gap" and again I'm not sure what my peer review counts as for a category. I suppose it was a copy-editing suggestion concerning her sources.

Her sources were really good but I was concerned that Cynthia didn't do enough of her own talking about the project. There were slides of her own silent text and a few instances of voice-over, but it seemed like the bulk of her project was just clips of other people talking about the gender gap. I thought it would be more effective for Cynthia to do more of the talking herself and really present the argument herself, rather than constructing it through clips of other people. Those clips are great but the entire video shouldn't be completely composed of them, from what I understood.

This isn't specific but I vaguely remember reading something in Student's Guide about incorporating sources so I applied that vague memory as well as general knowledge in this peer review.

I think this suggestion will help Cynthia because it strengthens her argument. A stronger argument means the purpose is more successfully achieved, and what could be better than that? Nothing. Literally nothing.

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